Speaking Engagement
March 20-23, 2022

Bressler, Amery & Ross is a proud Diamond Sponsor of the Closing Night Reception at the 2022 SIFMA Compliance and Legal Society Annual Seminar where principals Carole Miller, Sara Soto and Angela Turiano will be speaking.

On Monday, March 21, Angela Turiano will be speaking on the panel "Arbitration" from 10:30AM to 11:45AM.

On Monday, March 21, Sara Soto will be speaking on the panel "MA: Recruiting Challenges and Opportunities" from 12:15PM to 1:30pm.

On Tuesday, March 22, Carole Miller will be speaking on the panel "Litigating with Current Employees in the COVID Era: Risks, Strategies and Best Practices" from 10:30AM to 11:45AM.

To learn more about the seminar and to register, visit the SIFMA website.


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