Speaking Engagement

On Tuesday, March 8, 2022, Lauren Fenton-Valdivia will speak on a panel at the American Health Law Association's 2022 Women's Forum. The panel, titled Walking the Walk – Creating, Implementing, and Adapting DE&I Programs in the Corporate and Law Firm Setting, will discuss creating, implementing, and adapting DE&I programs in the corporate and law firm setting, specifically:

  • Creating a DE&I Program, including through drafting a strategic plan
  • Implementing a DE&I Program, including converting the action items in the Strategic Plan into action, ensuring retention and development/promotions through inclusion, sponsorship and mentorship
  • Adapting a DE&I Program, including defining a successful DE&I Program and the timeframe for determining “success”
  • Challenges to DE&I programs in a remote/hybrid working environment

Click here to learn more or to register.

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