Michael Hensley and Lauren Fenton-Valdivia will present to a firm client on the topic of "The Interplay Between Email and the Law: Ethical and Practical Considerations for In-House Counsel" on July 9, 2018 in West Palm Beach, FL.
Description of the program
The use of emails has essentially taken over as the way we communicate both in our personal and professional lives. As email becomes a preferred method of communication in the legal profession, the prevalence of email case law has exploded over the last decade. Thus, our proposed CLE will consider the practical and ethical implications of email use in a variety of contexts and will examine (1) whether email communications can create an enforceable contract (or amend an existing contract), (2) service by email/social media and (3) the potential violations of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the Stored Communications Act (specifically when dealing with terminated employees and non-competes).
Speaking Engagement
West Palm Beach, FL