Bressler, Amery & Ross is a proud sponsor of An Evening at The Heldrich taking place June 16, 2017 at The Heldrich in New Brunswick, NJ. The dinner is in honor of incoming President Eric G. Kahn and the 2017-2018 NJAJ officers.
About New Jersey Association for Justice (NJAJ)
Founded in the late 1940s and incorporated in 1976, the New Jersey Association for Justice (NJAJ) is headquartered in Trenton, New Jersey. NJAJ is a statewide association of over 2,400 members in private practice and public service, paralegals, law clerks, law students and law school graduates not yet admitted to the bar. NJAJ is dedicated to protecting New Jersey’s families by working to preserve and strengthen the laws for safer products and workplaces, a cleaner environment and quality health care.
For more information about NJAJ, please visit their website.