BIRMINGHAM, ALA, August 18, 2014 – Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C. is pleased to announce that Joshua D. Jones has been named Co-Chair of the Securities Litigation Committee of the Section of Litigation of the American Bar Association (ABA). Mr. Jones is a Member of the firm resident in the Birmingham, Ala. office, which was established in February of this year.
Mr. Jones focuses his practice in the defense of brokerage firms and financial institutions in state and federal courts and arbitration proceedings around the country. He also represents companies and individuals in connection with criminal and regulatory investigations, including state and federal prosecutions as well as IRS, SEC and FINRA investigations. He served for several years as a Co-Chair of the Securities Arbitration subcommittee prior to his current appointment and is also actively involved in the ABA’s Military Pro Bono Project and Operation Standby as well as the ABA Veterans’ Claims Assistance Network.
“This appointment as Co-Chair of the 1450 member Securities Litigation Committee is great recognition of Josh’s accomplishments as a litigator and his thorough understanding of the securities industry,” said Inge Selden, who serves as partner-in-charge and securities practice group leader in the Birmingham office.
“Participating on the Section of Litigation’s committees is a way for all of us to elevate the standards and perceptions of our profession,” said Josh Jones. “Being asked to serve as Co-Chair is a great honor, and I’m looking forward to working with everyone to develop and deliver substantial benefits to ABA and Section members.”
Mr. Jones will serve alongside co-chair Helen B. Kim of Thompson Coburn in Los Angeles, California.