ABA Section of Litigation Women Advocate Newsletter

In a recent article, author Zoe Anderson sets forth six practical tips to help busy professionals maintain a strong professional network:

1. Ensure that your contact information is readily accessible to maintain relationships with former colleagues and foster relationships with “key players.”
2. Rethink relationships with networking acquaintances who do not necessarily improve your prospects. Do this in an effort to prioritize relationships with influential people who can provide professional assistance.
3. Utilize social media to post relevant material and be sure to retweet, like and share your professional contact's posts—this will ensure that you stay fresh in their minds.
4. Maintain your online presence to “build a reputation as an industry leader and a voice of authority.”
5. Show that you are an excellent resource by referring customers and clients to individuals in your professional circles. Your contacts will reward you when the time is right. 
6. Calendar bimonthly events to advance existing relationships and develop new connections. 

Anderson suggests that by cultivating a strong professional network, busy professionals will remain apprised of upcoming career opportunities without too much hard work.

To read on the website or for more 'Practice Points,' please click here. 

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