- AlertSecurities Regulators, Industry Professionals Gather to Discuss Regulatory Focus and Important Securities Issues at SIFMA's C&L Regional Seminar in New York11.16.2015
- AlertNY DFS Signals Bank and Insurer Cybersecurity Rules11.16.2015
- AlertEmployers Should Carefully Investigate Employee Theft Before Calling the Authorities11.13.2015
- AlertAppellate Division Lends Guidance in Contempt Proceedings Where One Party Allegedly Threatened Custody Expert11.11.2015
- AlertThe U.S. Supreme Court Agrees to Hear ACA Birth Control Opt-Out11.11.2015
- AlertChanges to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Impact Case Management and Discovery11.10.2015
- AlertNew Alimony/Child Support Decision11.06.2015
- AlertThe NJ Department of Banking and Insurance Re-Issues Rule Proposal Establishing Uniform Appeal Procedures11.06.2015
- AlertNY State Regulators and CMS Expedite Transition of Business From Health Republic Insurance of NY11.04.2015
- PublicationPitfalls of Practicing in the Electronic Age11.03.2015
- AlertArbitration Provision in Form U-4 Agreements Unenforceable in the Absence of Express Language Waiving Statutory Right to Seek Relief in Court10.27.2015
- AlertSecond Circuit Rejects "Factual Nexus" Test Where Plain and Unambiguous Language of Insurance Policy Can Apply to Determine Relatedness of Claims10.27.2015
- AlertFL Court Requires Insurer to Pay Insureds' Attorneys' Fees Despite Jury Finding of Misrepresentation10.27.2015
- AlertCMS Publishes Fact Sheet to Improve the Consumer Experience at HealthCare.gov, the Federally Facilitated Marketplace10.26.2015
- PublicationStates May Shape ACA Definition Of 'Small Employer'10.26.2015
- New Jersey Tax Court Decision May Signal a Troubling Trend in Challenges to Non-Profit Entities10.22.2015
- AlertThe Third Circuit Defines an Insurer's Obligation to "Renew" a Policy Under the Contract of Insurance10.21.2015
- AlertCybersecurity and International Capital Standards Remain in the Forefront of Regulation10.20.2015
- AlertFailure to Provide Comparable Paternity Leave May Violate the Law10.16.2015
- AlertNo Claims-Made Coverage Where Pre-Policy Letter Found To Be a "Claim"10.13.2015
- PublicationFINRA Continues To Tighten Lid On Expungements10.13.2015
- AlertPA Reacts to the PACE Act10.12.2015
- PublicationThe Power of the Man in the Arena10.01.2015
- Publication11th Circ. Creates Flexibility For Courts On FLSA Suits10.01.2015
- AlertDisloyal Employee? You May Be Able to Get Back the Employee's Salary in NJ09.23.2015
- PublicationAre Pension Advance Loans The Next Payday Loans To CFPB09.23.2015
- AlertHIPAA-Mandated Entities Must Implement the International Classification of Disease-10 "ICD-10" Coding System09.22.2015
- AlertEleventh Circuit Reverses Summary Judgment Entered Against Unpaid Interns Suing Under the FLSA09.21.2015
- AlertAn Assignment of Benefits Includes the Assignment of the Legal Claim to Those Benefits Sufficient to Confer Derivative Standing to Sue Under ERISA09.16.2015
- AlertFederal Fees and Taxes Under the ACA Are Excluded From Premium for Determination of Expense Limit09.16.2015
- AlertRecent Developments Under the ACA: Am I a Small Employer or Not?09.10.2015
- PublicationFINRA Update: Public Arbitrator Limitations, Adjournment, Task Force, and More09.09.2015
- AlertEleventh Circuit Interprets the Meaning of "Debt Collector" Under the Federal Debt Collection Practices Act09.08.2015
- AlertAgreements to Arbitrate Employment Claims Must Include Clear Language That the Employee is Waiving a Right to a Jury Trial09.08.2015
- AlertNLRB Significantly Expands "Joint Employer" Test Exposing Employers to Greater Liability09.01.2015
- AlertNJ Appellate Court Finds an Insured May Assign its Rights Under an Occurrence Policy Without Insurer's Consent08.31.2015
- AlertNJ Adds "Transportation Company Contingent Liability For Workers Compensation" to its Exportable List08.31.2015
- AlertPrice Optimization: PA is the Latest State to Prohibit the Practice While the NAIC Works Towards a Final White Paper08.27.2015
- AlertIRS Issues Draft 2015 ACA Reporting Instructions08.27.2015
- AlertCFPB and the NY DFS Sue Pension Advance Companies for Alleged Deception About Consumer Loan Costs08.25.2015
- AlertChanging Times - Divorce, Children and the New Relationship08.19.2015
- AlertMerely Having an Anti-Harassment Policy is Not Enough08.11.2015
- AlertNJ Appellate Division Affirms a Website's Standing to Fend Off Subpoenas to Disclose its Users' Identities07.31.2015
- AlertThe Potentially Wild, Wild World of Attorneys' Fee Awards Under Florida Securities Law07.30.2015
- AlertAgreements to Arbitrate: New Developments Under NY and NJ Law07.30.2015
- PublicationSecurities Arbitration 201507.30.2015
- AlertSecond Circuit Backs Broker-Dealers, Holds that FINRA Rule 13204 Does Not Prohibit Firms From Enforcing Pre-Dispute Arbitration Agreements and Class Action Waivers07.23.2015
- AlertEEOC Says Title VII Protects LGBT Employees07.20.2015
- AlertNJ Supreme Court Finds Right to Jury Trial Under Insurance Fraud Protection Act07.20.2015
- AlertAL Set to Become the Latest State to Amend its Insurance Holding Company Act Regulations to Maintain NAIC Accreditation07.15.2015