- AlertTortious Interference Claim: No Contract? No Problem.01.16.2015
- PublicationNew Jersey Estate Planning, Will Drafting and Estate Administration Forms01.01.2015
- PublicationEvolving Issues in Employment Law: A Look Ahead to 201501.01.2015
- AlertU.S. Supreme Court Clarifies Definition of Pre- and Post-Shift Work Under the Portal-to-Portal Act12.15.2014
- AlertDistrict Of Columbia Circuit Rejects PIABA’s Attempt At Obtaining Records Relating To The SEC’s Examination Of FINRA’s Arbitration Program11.20.2014
- AlertNew York Court of Appeals Affirms Separate Entity Rule11.03.2014
- AlertFINRA Issues Notice Stating that Confidentiality Provisions Governing FINRA Arbitrations Must Advise Parties They Can Still Initiate Communication with Regulators10.17.2014
- AlertNew Jersey District Court Employs Rigorous Analysis and Denies Plaintiff's Class Certification Motion10.17.2014
- PublicationDerailed: Plaintiffs Denied Class Certification Motion10.16.2014
- AlertNew Jersey District Court Employs Rigorous Analysis and Denies Plaintiff's Class Certification Motion10.14.2014
- PublicationIdentifying and Defending a Claim for Educational Malpractice10.09.2014
- AlertThe New Jersey Supreme Court Holds that Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code Precludes Non-Customers from Suing Banks for Allegedly Unauthorized Wire Transfers10.03.2014
- AlertForeign Corporation Must Have a New Jersey Certificate of Authority in Order toMaintain its Lawsuit09.12.2014
- AlertForeign Corporation Must Have a New Jersey Certificate of Authority In Order to Maintain Its Lawsuits09.12.2014
- PublicationThe Long Compliance Race: To Prepare for Regulatory Changes, Traders Must Think Like a Marathoner and Not a Sprinter09.08.2014
- PublicationContingent Workers: Whose Employees are They Anyway?08.25.2014
- AlertEmployers Beware - Delivery of FMLA Notices By First Class Main May Not Cut It Anymore08.22.2014
- AlertSpill Act Case Law Update: Private Parties May Bring a Spill Act Contribution Claim Prior to NJDEP Approval of Cleanup Plan08.14.2014
- AlertNew Jersey's Newly Enacted "Ban-the-Box" Law08.13.2014
- PublicationCorrectly Applying the Privilege – An Issue for In-House Counsel08.13.2014
- PublicationLaw360 Dealmakers Q&A: Bressler Amery's Michael Ostrowsky08.08.2014
- AlertPresident Obama Signs Executive Order Prohibiting Federal Contractors from Discriminating Against LGBT Employees and Applicants07.29.2014
- AlertSecurities and Exchange Commission Approves FINRA Rule 2081 Prohibiting Member Firms and Associated Persons from Conditioning Settlement on Customer's Agreement Not to Oppose Request for Expungement07.24.2014
- AlertD.C. Curcuit Invalidates Critical Rule Implementing ACA Tax Credit System07.23.2014
- AlertThe Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Issues Pregnancy Discrimination Guidelines07.23.2014
- AlertAppellate Division Rules That Employers Can Shorten the Time In Which Workers Can Bring LAD Claims07.14.2014
- AlertThe Appellate Division Broadly Interprets the Scope of the LAD's Protection on the Basis of "Marital Status"07.14.2014
- AlertFINRA Seeks SEC Approval for Proposed Amendments to Customer and Industry Code Definitions of Non-Public Arbitrator and Public Arbitrator07.02.2014
- PublicationRecent and Potential FINRA Rule Changes07.01.2014
- AlertUnited States Supreme Court Holds that Funds Contained In An Inherited Individual Retirement Account ("IRA") Do Not Qualify As "Retirement Funds" and Therefore Are Not Exempt From A Debtors Bankruptcy Estate06.19.2014
- PublicationCourt Will Revisit Cases Where Employees Steal Documents06.19.2014
- AlertThe Unpaid Intern: A Benefit or A Risk?06.09.2014
- AlertNo Direct Liability Between Property Owners and Subcontractors Under CERCLA When The Property Owner Has Paid Its General Contractor05.12.2014
- AlertSupreme Court of Florida Holds That The Florida Civil Rights Act Prohibits Discrimination On The Basis of Pregnancy05.05.2014
- AlertThe Eleventh Curcuit Court of Appeals Declines to Impose a Duty on a Custodian Bank to Protect a Customer From an Adviser's Fraud, and Enforces a Customer's Duty to Timely Object to Statements04.29.2014
- AlertFlorida Appellate Court Holds that Class Action Claim Covered Under Policy Even Though Claim Filed Outside of Policy Period04.11.2014
- AlertDisability Discrimination Under New York Law and the Importance of the Interactive Process04.09.2014
- PublicationSocial Media04.01.2014
- AlertU.S. Supreme Court Holds that Severance Payments Made to Employees Are Subject to FICA Tax03.27.2014
- AlertRecent Supreme Court of Florida Decision May Give Insureds Additional Bad Faith Trap03.19.2014
- AlertInsurer's Voluntary Payment Under Automobile Policy Triggers Award of Attorneys' Fees to Insured in Related Litigation03.11.2014
- AlertDaughter's Facebook Post Costs Her Father Most of His Settlement Payment03.04.2014
- AlertNew Year Brings Important Changes to Labor Law in New Jersey and New York01.29.2014
- PublicationImplementing Best Practices in 2014 and Beyond01.23.2014
- Publication2014 Top Twenty Legal Trends for Automobile Dealer01.23.2014
- AlertEnterprise Risk Management and Own Risk and Solvency Assessment - New York Regulation 20301.15.2014
- AlertThe Federal Insurance Office Releases Its Report on Modernization of Insurance Regulation12.20.2013
- AlertAnnouncing the Revised Florida Arbitration Code12.17.2013
- AlertAre Health Insurance Exchanges Effectice Cost Saving Tools?12.12.2013
- AlertFINRA's Recent Changes to The Discovery Guide11.27.2013