- AlertRuling on Statutory "Bad Faith" Claim Following Appraisal Award Threatens the Appraisal Process10.08.2012
- AlertToo Ashamed to Show Your "Facebook"? New Jersey's Proposal to Ban Employee Access09.28.2012
- AlertEEOC's New Age Discrimination Regulations09.28.2012
- AlertSouthern District of Florida Refuses to Grant Government Motion to Dismiss Stanford Ponzi Scheme Case09.24.2012
- AlertCalifornia Court of Appeal Holds that Court Must Apply Equitable Standards to Expungement Application09.06.2012
- PublicationGender Gap in Equity Partnership Improves at a Slow Pace09.06.2012
- PublicationThe Courage to Confront the Work-Life Balance08.26.2012
- AlertIn the Height of Home Improvement Seaason, Contractors and Homeowners Alike Should Be Familiar with New Jersey's Home Improvement Contractor Laws08.24.2012
- AlertThe Attorney-Client Privilege and Independent Contractors: Conflict Within the Third Circuit?08.24.2012
- AlertPost-Event Investigatory and Analytic Documents Created in Compliance with the 2004 Patient Safety Act are Absolutely Privileged from Disclosure08.24.2012
- AlertStriking While The Iron Is Hot: Failure to Fire Employee for Attendance Problems Before Employee Triggers FMLA Covered Absence Results in Retaliation and Interference Claims08.07.2012
- PublicationRegulatory Estoppel - Where Regulation and Litigation Meet08.01.2012
- AlertNew Jersey Supreme Court Limits the Basis on which Health Insurers Can Obtain Documents on Ownership and Business Practices from Medical Providers Suspected of Fraud07.23.2012
- AlertThe United States Supreme Court Rules on the Constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act07.02.2012
- AlertNew Jersey Appellate Division Holds that a FINRA Member Firm is Not Required to Arbitrate a Third Party Claim for Contribution and Indemnification Brought by Another Member Firm in a Customer Initiated Arbitration Where There Is No Agreement to Arbitrate07.01.2012
- PublicationThe Law of Lawyers' Liability07.01.2012
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- AlertSEC's Carlo di Florio Speaks About the Commission's National Examination Program with a Focus on Broker-Dealer Examinations06.22.2012
- AlertSocial Media Policies and the National Labor Relations Board: Partying Like It's 193906.12.2012
- PublicationMaintaining Friendships Between In-House and Outside Counsel05.09.2012
- PublicationThe Ethical Lawyer: Diligence and Judgment in the Practice of Law05.01.2012
- PublicationThe Commercial Division Law Report05.01.2012
- PublicationThe Importance of Defining the Scope of Representation03.01.2012
- AlertNew Jersey and U.S. Supreme Courts Still Disagree About Enhancement of Attorney’s Fee Awards02.21.2012
- PublicationThe Confusing and Conflicting Supreme Court Rulings Involving Attorneys' Fees in Probate Litigation02.01.2012
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- PublicationGetting Paid and Staying Covered02.01.2012
- Publication2012’s Top Twenty Legal Trends for Automobile Dealers01.01.2012
- PublicationImplementing Best Practices: Eric Chase's Legal Audit Checklist for Auto Dealers01.01.2012
- PublicationNAWL Finds That Fewer Female Lawyers Are Entering Big-Firm Practice12.16.2011
- PublicationA Catharsis - What it is Like to Go to War, Book Review12.01.2011
- PublicationThe Importance of Promoting Yourself as a Female Attorney11.14.2011
- PublicationRetail Investments in Precious and Industrial Metals11.05.2011
- PublicationThe Commercial Division Law Report11.01.2011
- PublicationThe Non-Admitted and Reinsurance Reform Act and New Jersey's Surplus Lines Insurance Guaranty Association09.01.2011
- PublicationThe Commercial Division Law Report07.01.2011
- PublicationTrying FINRA Disciplinary Proceedings06.02.2011
- PublicationLessons in Toughness and Courage06.01.2011
- PublicationMember Perspective: Do You Advertise Online? Consumer Fraud Act Applies to Online Advertising06.01.2011
- PublicationThe Commercial Division Law Report05.01.2011
- PublicationThe Call for Proportionality and Cooperation - The Federal Rules and Preventing E-Discovery Abuses04.10.2011
- PublicationVacating and Confirming Arbitration Decisions Under the New Jersey Arbitration Act of 200304.01.2011
- PublicationEmployment Arbitration and Defense Contracts Under the Obama Administration04.01.2011
- AlertCaveat Venditor - In New Jersey, It’s Seller Beware When Displaying Manufacturer Warranties03.30.2011
- PublicationLegal Limbo: Where Should the Guantanamo Uighurs Be Released?03.2011
- Publication2011's Top Twenty Legal Trends for Automobile Dealers01.01.2011
- PublicationImplementing Best Practices: Eric Chase's Legal Audit Checklist for Auto Dealers01.01.2011
- PublicationProportionally, Reasonability, and Sanctions: Victor Stanley II12.23.2010
- PublicationBroker-Dealers Have no Duty to Noncustomers12.09.2010
- AlertProceed Without Counsel At Your Own Risk: Settlement Agreement Held Valid Despite Execution By Unrepresented Party10.14.2010