- AlertNJ Supreme Court Holds Amendment to No-Fault Act Applies Prospectively08.04.2016
- PublicationSix Tips to Stay Connected to Your Professional Network08.01.2016
- PublicationThe DOL's New Overtime Rule: How Schools Need to Prepare08.01.2016
- PublicationNJ Arbitration Agreements: It's All In The Language08.01.2016
- AlertNY Guidance to Insurers on Coverage of Treatment for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders08.01.2016
- AlertNew York and New Jersey Differ on Defining a Law Firm General Counsel's "Client"07.25.2016
- AlertNJ Court Refuses to Require Arbitration of Employment Dispute Where Language of Agreement Does Not Clearly State Employee is Waiving Right to Jury Trial07.19.2016
- AlertHouse Subcommittee Approves Rider to DOL Spending Bill Blocking Enforcement of ERISA Fiduciary Rule07.11.2016
- AlertEEOC Releases a New Set of FAQs on its Wellness Notice, Along With a Sample Notice06.24.2016
- AlertNJ Department of Banking and Insurance Issues Proposed Regulations Regarding Automobile Insurance and NJ Workers' Comp Managed Care Organizations06.24.2016
- AlertNJ Department of Banking and Insurance Issues Regulatory Guidance on a State of Emergency06.17.2016
- Employers Cannot Use Employment Agreements to Shorten Statute of Limitations for Filing Discrimination Claims Against Employer06.16.2016
- PublicationSmall Businesses in NJ Have Attractive Financing Options06.09.2016
- AlertFederal Reserve Board Proposes a Framework for Developing Capital Standards for Insurers06.08.2016
- AlertDefendants Must Wait for Final Decision from SEC's Administrative Law Judge Before Appealing to Federal Courts06.06.2016
- PublicationUnreasonable Factory Performance Standards For Dealers And What Dealers Should Do When Faced With Them05.31.2016
- AlertStatute of Limitations Bars Disgorgement and Declaratory Relief, But Not Injunction05.31.2016
- AlertProposals for Settlement in Florida: Are Extensions of Time to Accept Allowed?05.27.2016
- AlertSenate Votes to Disapprove Department of Labor's Final Rules on ERISA Fiduciaries and Best Interest Contract Exemption05.25.2016
- AlertDeadline to File Claim Begins to Run for Constructive Discharge Upon Notice of Resignation05.24.2016
- PublicationCould Failing to Google Potential Jurors Land You in Trouble?05.23.2016
- PublicationInsurers Shouldn't Overreach in Gov't Investigations05.23.2016
- AlertHigh Court Limits Scope of Jurisdiction Granted to Federal Courts Under Section 27 of the Securities Exchange Act05.23.2016
- AlertCo-Ops are Not the Only Insurers Aggrieved by the Affordable Care Act's Risk Corridor Program05.19.2016
- AlertExpert Testimony Not Admissible on Applicability of Policy Exclusions, But Allowed on Insurance Industry Custom and Practice05.19.2016
- AlertDepartment of Labor More than Doubles Minimum Salary for White Collar Exempt Employees05.19.2016
- AlertNew Jersey Supreme Court Declines to Expand Fee Shifting in Probate Cases05.18.2016
- AlertNY Court Enters an Order of Liquidation With Respect to Health Republic Insurance of NY05.12.2016
- AlertNJ Supreme Court Leaves Issue Of Liability For Attorneys' Fees To Non-Clients Unsettled05.05.2016
- AlertSuit Filed on Behalf of Failed Co-Op in U.S.D.C. S.D. Iowa05.04.2016
- AlertThird Circuit Rejects Suit Alleging Outsourcing of Criminal Investigations of Insurance Fraud, Based on Lack of Standing05.04.2016
- AlertPoor Drafting of Noncompete Sinks Employer Lawsuit05.02.2016
- AlertFL Fee-Shifting Rule Now More Useful To Defendants Making Offers of Judgment, Including Insurers, Even Where Non-Monetary Relief Was Pleaded, But Not Pursued05.02.2016
- AlertHouse of Representatives Votes to Disapprove Department of Labor's Final Rules on ERISA Fiduciaries and Best Interest Contract Exemption04.29.2016
- AlertAfter Months of Uncertainty, NY DFS Petitions to Place Health Republic Insurance of NY in Liquidation04.25.2016
- AlertCongress Moves to Disapprove Department of Labor's Final Rules on ERISA Fiduciaries and Best Interest Contract Exemption04.22.2016
- AlertNJ Requires Rate and Form Filings for Fully Insured Student Health Plans Offered in the State04.20.2016
- AlertNY Announces New Requirement That Health Insurers and HMOs Allow Domestic Violence Victims Year-Long Open Enrollment04.19.2016
- PublicationAffordable Care Act Compliance from the Employer's Perspective04.15.2016
- AlertNY Appeals Court Rules That Insurer Did Not Waive Flood Exclusion By Failing To Expressly Cite It In Coverage Denial04.13.2016
- AlertDepartment of Labor Issues Final Rules on ERISA Fiduciaries and Best Interest Contract Exemption04.12.2016
- AlertNJ Department of Banking and Insurance Proposes To Permit Property/Liability Claims Payments Through Alternative Means04.06.2016
- AlertNJ Department of Banking and Insurance Proposes Rules To Increase the Capital and Surplus Requirements for Health Organizations04.06.2016
- AlertMetLife's SIFI Designation is Overturned03.31.2016
- AlertInformation Disclosed To Insured’s Broker and Attorneys Triggers Notice Obligation To Excess Insurer03.30.2016
- AlertInsurer's Subrogation Rights Cannot Be Completely Waived By Insured's Agreement to a Loss/Damage Waiver03.30.2016
- AlertThe CMS White Paper Addresses Risk Adjustment Methodology03.24.2016
- AlertGovernor Cuomo Opposes the Creation of a State Health Insurance Guaranty Fund03.22.2016
- AlertNY Requires Direct Notification to Additional Insureds of a Policy Exclusion For It to be Effective Against Them03.18.2016
- PublicationShifting From Complaining to Embracing Millennials03.18.2016